Dear Sulphur,

It has been years

since we last met.

You used to tease me on our dates,

arriving in different disguises.

Never once did I mistake


For Another.

Never once did I forsake


For Another.


Many came along in that ‘period’

But we stood the test of time;

the wrath of Father

whose arms

You Burned

disguised as a Strong

Concentrated Acid.


I still stood by You.


They say, lovers never forget

each other’s scent.




You had a different one

every time we met.

After our fights,

You would

spitefully come to me

Bound to two hydrogens.

I would still savour your scent

without wincing.

Oh! you were such a fool

For Your Brothers, Selenium

and Tellurium

were better off at

romancing Two hydrogens.


You always knew it, didn’t you?


You were Mine then


You are Mine Now.

P.S.    I love you.


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